Young teenager the latest to be raped by Uber drivers in Queensland

Police in Queensland, Australia, are appealing to all women in the area who have been sexually assaulted while on board the controversial Uber. This follows reports of a second Brisbane driver being charged with rape in the same week.
An unnamed 37-year-old man driverjng the Uber vehicle will face Court on Friday charged with the rape of a 16-year-old girl on 8th July. The young teenager bravely reported the journey and its catastrophic events to police the morning after, citing the driver raped her in his Uber car. This incident is the latest allegation of rape and comes in the same week as another Uber driver was charged with the same sickening act raping a young customer three times.
Queensland Police have said the two matters are unconnected, but they do fear more incidents of sexual assault may have taken place.