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There I've said it; I don't think Uber will be relicensed

It's like the countdown to Christmas all over again. The anticipation that you experienced as a child can be felt all across the taxi trade as we patiently wait to hear whether Uber will be able to carry on legally working in London. 

Since Uber arrived in 2012 the world renowned taxi trade has struggled to be heard. Whether it was due to links with Number 10 or just ignorance from people who did not understand the industry, it finally seems that we are understood and that Uber are on the ropes.

No one knows for sure whether Uber will be relicensed or not. But it my own personal belief that they will NOT be re-licensed, not even short-term.

I'm not saying I'm right, as like I said no one  knows, but going by the facts in front of us I find it impossible to see how Transport for London can justify Uber's renewal.

The silence emulating from Sadiq Khan and Val Shawcross has been classed as a concern by some within the trade. Personally I see it as a huge positive as they can't be seen to be taking sides if Uber are kicked out. With a blanket silence how can Uber challenge Transport for London's decision? They have not tried to encourage other parties to think otherwise and have allowed the sordid facts to speak for themselves.

Uber have had five years to get their house in order. They have failed. In fact with sexual assaults rising by 50% it could be said there is no progress whatsoever. 

Here's the big one for me; Transport for London would have to go against the recommendations made public by key industry representatives. These representatives include the Metropolitan Police, the Greater London Authority, members of parliament and is now more recently Transport for London board members.

Essentially the regulator would have to say "it's okay, they are fit and proper despite 48 sexual assaults each year" if they choose to renew. 

That is simply not going to happen whilst the national and international media are watching like hawks.

So what do you think? Leave a comment below explaining why you think they will or will not be renewed.

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