Ubers licence renewed in Brighton

It has just been announced that Ubers operators licence has been renewed in Brighton for 6 months, but comes with conditions.
Tech giant Uber have been locked in a battle with taxi services and regulators in Brighton, amid concerns over a myrid of issues, which include TfL registered Uber drivers cross-bordering into the Brighton area.
This move is sure to anger local service operators who have lobbied hard for their expulsion from the area.
A council spokesman said: “In making this week’s decision, council officers studied reports and written submissions from interested parties. While there was no evidence to suggest that public safety had been compromised, there are a number of concerns, and Uber are working with the council to address these and reassure residents and visitors about their safety. “Under national law, licensed drivers can operate anywhere in the country, so drivers licensed elsewhere are allowed to operate in the city. Many authorities have fewer conditions attached to their licensing than is the case here. “When licensing operators, Brighton and Hove City Council work with them to maintain and enhance standards of safety, which includes trying to ensure that drivers not licensed locally can be as accountable as possible."