Uber struggling to recover in major American cities

The legacy of the #deleteUber campaign that took place last January after Uber was accused of breaking the taxi driver strike in New York City doesnt seem to have abated. It has been revealed that the tech giant, whilst recovering in some cities, has not performed as well in others.
Where Lyft have taken off and expanded, Ubers share of the volatile transportation market had nationally gone into a decline on the back of the #deleteUber campaign.
Although overall Ubers sales have now recovered and gained, it finds itself still struggling in cities such as San Francisco and New York, which are down since last December between 5% and 7%.
Overall Uber have seen a 15% increase in sales compared to Lyft, whos sales increased by around 33% across the United States.
This will be a concern for Uber who have seen a massive upheaval within the company recently as they try to stem the tide of negative press.