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Monthly Editorial: The Easter Blues

Perry Richardson

Easter. Bleargh. If there was such a thing as a least favourite kipper it’s this one. After slogging away in In the first quarter and starting to see some normality starting to creep back in money wise, Easter comes along and whacks you right across your knee-caps if you’re not prepared for it. As a Butter Boy eight years ago I deemed never to work the first week after Easter weekend again. However, with a second child due any day, I found myself on the Paddington rank with the other brave souls wishing we weren’t there. Role on eight years and it’s not much better, but at least it was expected. After the first year or so you learn when you’re going to be busy and when it’s best to take time away from the cab to rejuvenate. However, there are some drivers who are a gluten for punishment and still religiously work Easter (excuse the pun) after 27 years in the trade expecting the streets to be paved in £50 notes and shuttling between Edgware Road and Harrods. In fact, looking on social media you’d think the taxi trade had just unexpectedly combusted like a 2006 TX4 engine. That’s the same TX4 that had drivers up in arms and now want to keep by the way. So I’m told there’s an old saying: “The only people left in London over Easter are the poor and the cabbies.” Nine months in It’s now nine months in since TaxiPoint went fully live on 9th July 2017 and we’d like to thank you for your ongoing support. In those nine months we’ve welcomed 79,456 different readers to the site, 23,232 of those are now regular returning visitors from across the UK and we’ve had a whooping 410,956 page views. Incredible results in such a short amount of time. However, it’s just the start!

We’re asking readers to subscribe to our service, as always, free of charge. Our TaxiPoint Subscribed publication is an interactive email which lands in your inbox (oh-er) three times a week. It includes all the latest trade news, videos, audio and more in each edition. There’s nothing quite like it anywhere else in the trade.

We aim to bring the UK taxi trade together and you’ve only got to look at the comments on Facebook to see we’re well on our way. Drivers from all regions in one place discussing the same topics.

We need your continued support though. Subscribe to stay in touch as we aim to reach every taxi driver in the UK in the next two years.

Say hello if you see us at ranks handing out leaflets and please do share our service with fellow colleagues. Also, if you fancy yourself as a writer please do get in touch. We’re looking for drivers, especially those outside of London, to put their region on the map. Fingers crossed for a better week and as always... be lucky!

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