Transgender Uber drivers unable to log-on due to facial recognition software issues
In a bizarre case of computer says "no", a transgender Uber driver, was unable to log on to the app after the facial recognition software failed.
In the United States, Uber drivers are required to take the occasional selfie for the app, as a security measure. This subsequently caused a problem for Janey Webb as facial features had altered due to the transitioning process. As a result Janey was unable to log onto the app.
It is alleged that the software involved with facial recognition struggles not only to identify those who are transgender, but also those who are from different ethnic and racial backgrounds.
This software has caused some concern due to its use, not only by Uber, but also the police in both Florida and Oregon.
The number of drivers affected by the problems surrounding the software are relatively few, but there are concerns over civil rights and the software's inability to distinguish between the many facial differences.