Cabbies ear bitten off in dispute with passenger

A taxi passenger attacked a cabbie after a dispute over whether he should have indicated or not.
Vimal Jadeja, 27, from Colchester in Essex, attacked Russell Page after becoming angered at the cabbies driving style.
The attack which took place on a journey between Torquay and Paignton left Mr Page with part of his ear severed.
Jadeja, who, according to Devon Live has a history of violent offences to his name, drunkenly threatened Mr Page after he had failed to indicate on a bend.
The cabbie argued that he didn't have to indicate on the stretch of the road, this led to the driver and the passenger both getting out of the vehicle after Jadeja became threatening. In the ensuing fight, Mr Page had part of his ear bitten off.
Jadeja was subsequently arrested by police and charged with actual bodily harm.
Judge David Evans sentenced Jadeja to 20 months imprisonment at Exeter Crown Court, with an extra seven days added for failing to turn up at the court for sentencing.