Over 7,500 London cabbies sign up to win back loss of earnings against Uber
Over 7,500 London cab drivers have registered their interest in the action which seeks to win back loss of earnings against ride-hailing operators Uber.
Cabbie Group Action sets to bring a potential group legal action against Uber for damages and loss of earnings due to the alleged unlawful operation of Uber under the relevant statutory framework. The action is being lead by leading law firm Mishcon de Reya and is fully funded by litigation firm Harbour. If a minimum number of drivers sign up, Harbour will pay all of the legal costs in return for a share of any damages received. It means cabbies will not have to pay their own legal fees. If the group action is not successful, it also means they won’t have to repay Harbour. It is only when there is a win, and damages have been received, that Harbour will get a pre-agreed share of the award.
The group are urging more drivers to sign up to the action. Richard Leedham a Partner at Mishcon de Reya, the London law firm leading Cabbie Group Action, said earlier this year: “Many have criticised the case because they say the black cab trade have failed to modernise and that Uber's success is just an example of lawful competition. “The claim isn't about stopping Uber operating or based on complaints around uncompetitive behaviour. Competition on price, innovation, service and quality is a positive thing. What it is about is holding Uber to account for what we believe are their unlawful operations since 2012. “We believe they failed to adhere to the statutory framework which regulates the London taxi trade and this has been to the detriment of licensed taxi drivers that have been operating lawfully. Uber should not be able to get away with this and Cabbie Group Action aims to hold them to account.”