$1 billion Class Action lawsuit will see Taxi drivers go head-to-head with Quebec government over th

Taxi drivers in Quebec are pursuing a $1billion law suit against the provincial government for, how they describe, standing by and allowing Uber to move into their market. If drivers were to win the case, it could cost the government $1 billion to compensate them for loss of earnings and the devaluation of their taxi permits. Accusations have been made by drivers towards the government claiming they failed to act as Uber moved into the province without being subjected to the same rules that are imposed on traditional taxi drivers. According to the Carlyle Observer, taxi drivers argue that the government sanctioned a pilot project with Uber in October of 2016 which further devalued their costly permits. Drivers now want answers, none more so than why the government chose to treat Uber differently, arguably more favourable, than taxi drivers who essentially offer the same service. Lawyers will now set out their claims to present in court to try and prove that the government may of indeed demonstrated differential treatment caused by bad faith. The class action lawsuit will cover all taxi drivers who have held a permit since October 2013, both before and after the pilot project imposed certain restrictions on Uber.