Boycott private hire drivers who are licensed by other authorities says second city councillor
Cross-bordering has raised its ugly head once again, this time in Birmingham, where Councillor Paul Tilsley is calling for a boycott of the use of any driver who has been licensed by another authority. Reports that many drivers that operate in the Second City are in fact licensed by surrounding areas, most noticeable Wolverhampton City Council, has raised concerns about the future of the trade. Wolverhampton city council have faced much criticism about the amount of private hire licences they are handing out based on what many believe is an easier route in obtaining a licence. The issue was once again raised in the Birmingham City Council chamber this week, according to a report in the Express and Star. Mr Tilsley asked Councillor Barbara Ding, who is chairman of the Licensing and Public Protection Committee, to support his call for all Birmingham residents to boycott any any-of-town drivers by assuring they request only Birmingham licensed drivers be sent to pick them up by the operators. Wolverhampton city council have defended their licensing process, stating that their standards are among the highest in the country. Private hire drivers along with taxi drivers in Birmingham have said they are suffering since the Hugh influx of drivers from outside the city that are driving in to take the work.