Fed up cabbies say "enough is enough" to customer abuse

Fed up cab drivers in Slough have said "enough is enough" as abuse from the public finally takes its toll.
As part of a driver safety campaign stickers are being handed out to Slough's cabbies, which will be displayed in their vehicles, so as to raise awareness about the physical and verbal abuse suffered by cabbies in the area.
The scheme, which was launched by the National Private Hire Taxi Association is being supported by Slough Borough Council (SBC).
The cpuncil will issue the ‘No Excuse for Abuse’ car stickers to all taxi and private hire drivers over the next fortnight. Ranjit Ghotra of the Slough Taxi Driver Union stated that it is crucial for both the public and driver to feel safe.
He also stated that abusive language and behaviour is unacceptable and will be reported to the police. The Slough Express reported that the Slough Borough Council cabinet member for regulation and consumer protection Councillor Pavitar Mann stated that the council take their responsibility to passenger and driver safety seriously, and will not put up with any abusive or disrespectful behaviour against Slough's cabbies. Thames Valley Police has also expressed support for the campaign by describing abusive and violent behaviour against cabbies as unacceptable and against the law.
The spokesperson for Thames Valley Police alao said that emergency safety issues should be reported by calling 999 and other physical and verbal abuse should be reported by dialling 101.