‘DON’T CHANCE IT!’: Liverpool Council warns PHV drivers of plying-for-hire after driver found guilty
Updated: Mar 12, 2023

Liverpool City Council (LCC) Licensing officers warned private hire vehicle (PHV) drivers to not ‘chance it’ when it comes to the temptation of plying-for-hire.
Enforcement officers reported a Sefton licensed PHV driver for plying-for-hire and in turn having no insurance.
The driver was found guilty on Thursday 9 March after attending Wirral Magistrates' Court.
The driver was handed a £695 bill covering fines and costs, plus eight penalty points to their driver's licence.
A LCC Licensing spokesperson said via social media: “A Sefton PHV driver summonsed by Liverpool Licensing Authority for plying for hire and no insurance was found guilty after trial yesterday at Wirral Magistrates Court.
“£695 fines/costs and 8 penalty points on DVLA licence. Don't chance it - it's not worth the risk!”