GLOBAL TAXIS PART ONE: A-Z of the world’s most iconic taxi vehicles

When you think of a taxi, we all naturally think of the iconic black taxi we see in most big UK cities.
But what do you think about further afield? For many of us we automatically think of New York’s iconic yellow design. But while many taxis around the world share a colour scheme with the mighty bee, yellow is not the only colour. Nor is ‘sedan’ the only shape.

In fact, taxicabs in a single country usually share a set of common properties, but there is a lot of variation from country to country in the vehicles used and design elements.
Budget Direct have released a new series of illustrated posters, showcasing different taxis from every country.
We will be running through the A-Z of the 57 most iconic taxis. In this edition we look at Afghanistan, Albania, Argentina, Australia and Austria.