ILLEGALLY WORN TYRE: Private hire vehicle stopped by Liverpool enforcement for SHOCKING tyre

Liverpool licensing officials and police officers found a SHOCKING illegal tyre on a licensed private hire vehicle after a night of enforcement in the the city centre.
Liverpool City Council’s (LCC) Licensing team paired up with Merseyside Police carrying out roadside checks on licensed taxis and private hire vehicles.
Officials from LCC said the compliance on the night was at a ‘high level’ overall, but there were some issues reported. One of those included a seriously worn illegal tyre and drivers not carrying ID badges.
The worn tyre was found on a red Toyota private hire vehicle. In an image shared by LCC it shows a super slick tyre with white cords from under the rubber beginning to emerge.
A Liverpool City Council Licensing spokesperson said via social media: “Licensing Officers have been working with colleagues from Merseyside Police carrying out roadside inspections of licenced vehicles.
“A high level of compliance was observed. However, some drivers will be reported for offences, including no badges and this illegal tyre.”