LTDA: Additional grants, interest free loans and cut in VAT needed to speed up move to ZEC taxis
Updated: Apr 3, 2022

Additional grants, interest free loans and a cut in VAT on new electric taxis is needed if the industry is to speed up its move to a greener fleet, said a taxi representative.
According to the Licensed Taxi Driver’s Association (LTDA) Chairman, Paul Brennan, the biggest reason cabbies are not moving to greener vehicles faster is because of the costs involved, and the long-term financial commitment to owning or leasing a Zero Emission Capable (ZEC) taxi.
Brennan said in TAXI Newspaper: “The biggest reason people are not going greener faster, is they simply cannot afford to do so and it’s criminal that vast sums of money are being spent on schemes that are anything but green and a much better approach is needed to really help us do so.
“Let’s take a look at our trade and what we need to become greener... In a nutshell, it’s to buy the cleanest vehicle available to us – of course right now there is only one – the TXE.
“The big problem with that vehicle, is that it comes at a huge cost. £73,000 if you want to own it, or a never-ending monthly payment the size of a mortgage as you go from one PCP deal to the next if you do not. That price tag and that never ending scenario scares the hell out of me. I accept that it’s the best cab we’ve ever had, I also accept that passengers love it but that does not change the fact, I would enter such a deal with utter dread.
“The upside of buying a cab in the past is that after the three or five years of HP payments you then owned the cab – you were freehold and so had a sum of money every month in your pocket to use for a slightly better family holiday or to upgrade a household appliance or two – or to put a side for a rainy day. Sadly, all these options are now becoming out of reach for too many. Other purchase options, be it additional grants, interest free loans or a cut in VAT are needed – I think we all know where the money could be diverted from.”