TAX APP: £50million in Self Assessment payments made via the HMRC app

More than 50,000 customers have used the app to make £50 million in Self Assessment payments since February 2022, HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has revealed.
Customers have been able to pay their Self Assessment tax bill via the free and secure HMRC app since February 2022.
Thousands of people are now choosing to use the app to make Self Assessment payments because it is a quick and easy way to manage any tax they owe. In October, more than 6,700 Self Assessment customers paid almost £5.9 million in tax via the HMRC app, compared to around 2,500 customers in February 2022, who paid £1.8 million.
The deadline for customers to complete their tax return for the 2021 to 2022 tax year and pay any tax owed is 31 January 2023.
Myrtle Lloyd, HMRC’s Director General for Customer Services, said: “We’re seeing more and more people embrace the convenience and flexibility the HMRC app offers. Self-Assessment customers can pay the tax owed through the HMRC app, which is a secure and convenient tool that can be used at a time and place to suit them.
“To find out more search ‘HMRC app’ on GOV.UK.”
For anyone yet to start their tax return, the HMRC app can also provide information to help complete it including the customer’s Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR), National Insurance number, information from any PAYE employment for the 2021 to 2022 tax year, or details of any tax credits payments.
App users will need a user ID and password to access their personal information. They can set this up while using the app.
The app’s Self Assessment function is also available in Welsh. Customers can enable Welsh language options from the settings screen.
Self Assessment customers can learn more about the different ways to pay at GOV.UK.
Those who are unable to pay their tax bill in full can access support and advice on GOV.UK. HMRC may be able to help by arranging an affordable payment plan, known as Time to Pay. Customers should try to do this online; go to GOV.UK for more information. Alternatively, they can contact the helpline.
HMRC has a wide range of resources to help customers complete their tax return, including guidance, webinars and YouTube videos.
People completing a tax return are at increased risk of falling victim to scams. Check HMRC scams advice on GOV.UK.