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12 year sentence for man who caused the DEATH OF TAXI DRIVER by way of dangerous driving

Michael Murphy

Updated: Sep 21, 2021

Image credit : Greater Manchester Police

Ryan Hughes, 32, of Oldham, was jailed for 12 years on Friday 17 September at Minshull Street Crown Court after pleading guilty to causing death by dangerous driving and two counts of causing serious injury by dangerous driving.

At around 9.40pm on Saturday 1 February 2020 the victim had been working as a taxi driver and was collecting two women from a restaurant on Laurel Trading Estate on Higginshaw Lane.

As the driver turned right onto Higginshaw Lane, Ryan Hughes was seen to be driving a Ford Focus in excess of 80mph along Higginshaw Lane in the direction of Oldham.

The two passengers spotted the car fast approaching before Hughes collided - at speed - with the driver side of the taxi. Hughes and the other occupants of the Focus subsequently fled the scene of the collision.

The taxi driver was taken to hospital but had suffered a traumatic brain injury and sadly succumbed to his injuries. The two passengers also suffered serious injuries including multiple broken ribs, broken pelvis and a dislocated spine.

Following extensive enquiries Ryan Hughes was arrested and his DNA was found to be a match to that obtained from the driver’s airbag. CCTV also captured Hughes at a nearby petrol station around the time of the collision, showing him getting into the driver’s seat and driving away.

Police Sergeant Andrew Page of GMP’s Serious Collision Investigation Unit said: “Hughes drove recklessly across Oldham without any care for the safety of those around him and his thoughtless actions have resulted in the loss of an innocent man’s life.

“Although sadly a man died as a result of this collision I hope his lengthy conviction provides a sense of closure and justice for his family, as well as the two women who were also injured.

“I hope this sentence also serves as a warning and a reminder on the importance of adhering to the rules of the road. Speed limits are in place for a reason and although you may feel like you can drive faster, it can sometimes have tragic consequences and result in a prison sentence.”

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