154 TAXIS ENOUGH? Council runs ‘Unmet Demand’ survey which could open up more licences in Sussex

Mid Sussex District Council are asking residents to share their experiences of using taxis in the District to ensure enough taxis remain available to service the needs of the local community.
The number of Hackney Carriages licenced to operate in Mid Sussex is currently limited to 154. The Council must commission an Unmet Demand survey every three years to determine if this limit is still appropriate for the area.
The latest survey is being conducted by CTS Traffic and an important part of the research is gathering the views and opinions of the public. Residents are encouraged to visit www.ctstraffic.co.uk/midsussextaxiuser leave this site to answer a few short questions about how often they use taxis in Mid Sussex, how they hire them and what they thought about the service that was provided.
Councillor Norman Webster, Cabinet Member for Community said: “The Unmet Demand Survey helps us to properly assess and review the number of Hackney Carriage vehicles we licence in Mid Sussex. If you have used a taxi service in Mid Sussex within the last few years, please take a couple of minutes to complete this simple survey.
“Your responses and opinions are really important to this review, and we’d like to hear from as many local people as possible. This is the chance for you to have your say and to express your views on the service provided by taxis in Mid Sussex. If you’d like to help us shape the future of licenced vehicle services in our area just visit www.ctstraffic.co.uk/midsussextaxiuser leave this site to fill in the survey.”