2 uninsured taxi drivers have cabs seized during roadside checks in Naas Ireland
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2 uninsured taxi drivers have cabs seized during roadside checks in Naas Ireland

Updated: Aug 17, 2021

Image credit : Twitter @GardaTraffic

Two licensed taxi drivers have had their vehicles seized in Ireland during roadside checks undertaken by Grada Traffic officers.

During an evening of checks, a total of 4 vehicles including the two taxis were seized, with one taxi driver also being arrested for testing positive for being under the influence Benzodiazepines while driving.

One driver was found to be driving whilst only having a provisional licence and having no fully licensed driver accompanying them.

Using their official Twitter account @GardaTraffic to highlight the evening of enforcement, a spokesperson said: "Naas Roads Policing Unit conducted a checkpoint last night.

"4 vehicles were seized, including 2 uninsured taxis and an unaccompanied learner driver.

"1 taxi driver also tested positive for Benzodiazepines & was arrested."

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