Addison Lee latest company to lose employment tribunal on gig economy
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Addison Lee latest company to lose employment tribunal on gig economy

The long established private hire and courier service, Addison Lee, has lost its case in regards to 'gig' working employment.

Chris Gascoigne, who worked for Addison Lee as a bike courier, brought the case to the courts claiming he had been treated as a worker and was overdue the benefits that the employment status had to offer like minimum pay and holiday allowance. 

The judge looking at the case ruled that the bike courier should not be classed as an independent, but instead treated as a worker.

Addison Lee have refused to except the ruling, but it remains unclear as to whether they will challenge the decision.

This is the latest court case to go against gig economy employers. Uber are due to return to the courts in September appealing the original ruling that went against them.

The business models of companies like Addison Lee and Uber cannot, as it currently stands, function with the added cost of holiday allowance, sick pay, national insurance and other such employee benefits. It is also worth remembering that years of backpay would be owned costing their respective companies millions.

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