13,000 Uber drivers forced to have new DBS checks in London

It has been revealed in The Times that 13,000 Uber drivers in London will have to undergo new Disclosure Barring Service checks as it has been deemed that the DBS checks used to obtain a private hire drivers license are unsatisfactory and therefore no longer valid.
This comes on the back of a spate of criminal offences committed by Uber driver/partners, the latest of which culminating in an attack on 2 police officers outside Buckingham Palace. Uber drivers will be given 28 days to obtain a new Disclosure Barring Service check, failure to do so will render their license invalid.
Interestingly the 28 day "grace period" that is being afforded to Uber drivers by TfL in relation to not having an adequate DBS check now brings into question as to whether taxi drivers will be given the same "grace period" if there is a delay within their DBS renewal.
Typically a taxi driver has 30 days from the date that a license renewal pack is sent out to renew his or her license, this 30 day period then allows TfL to issue a temporary license should there be any major delays. Exceeding that 30 day period negates the option of a temporary taxi licence. The DBS section of taxi license renewal has however been the source of major delays with some drivers waiting in excess of 4 months for a renewal.