Days after launching Taxify stops operating in London

Competition has come and gone throughout the history of the black cab trade. Few have lasted only three days.
The Estonian ride hailing app Taxify have stopped operating in London following Transport for London investigations.
Transport for London told TaxiPoint "The law requires private hire bookings to be taken by licensed private hire operators at a licensed premises, with appropriate record keeping.
"Taxify is not a licensed private hire operator and is not licensed to accept private hire bookings in London. TfL has instructed Taxify to stop accepting bookings and it has done so."
In response, Taxify said "Taxify is a technological platform for customers to hail rides from City Drive Services, a licensed London based private hire company. This has been raised as a concern by TfL and in full cooperation, Taxify have temporarily stopped operations to clarify its legal position with the regulator and reach a resolution so that services can return to normal."
It remains unseen at this point whether we will see the startup appear on the capitals streets anytime soon.