Taxi driver beats the City of London Bank Junction fiasco
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Taxi driver beats the City of London Bank Junction fiasco

The Bank Junction debacle has been a source of criticism from just about every quarter with drivers and city workers alike pouring derision on the hair-brained traffic scheme. Today however, a Taxi driver took on the City of London after recieving a penalty charge notice.....and won.

Stuart Mercer from Barnet recieved a penalty charge notice after driving into a restricted section of Cornhill from Leadenhall Street despite a tweet from @squarehighways, the City of Londons' own traffic Twitter page stating that you could in fact ENTER Cornhill from the East (Leadenhall Street). 

Stuart subsequently appealed the farcicle fine on the grounds of inadequate or unclear signage, the penalty charge notice was quashed.

I myself have seen the signage at Cornhill and quite frankly it beggars belief, the term "clear as mud" springs to mind. Upon seeing the signage the first thing that entered my head was "money trap". The restriction itself bares no correlation whatsoever to Bank Junction, it's nonsensical. You are completely prohibited from entering the East side BUT can enter the Western (Bank Junction) side of Cornhill from Threadneedle Street by doing a hard left at Bank Junction, this of course makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. 

Although the City of London will state that any penalty charge notice cancellation does not set a precedent, it would seem that every driver that has been penalised at the Eastern side of Cornhill should be questioning that particular penalty charge notice

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