Moped muggers jailed

A gang of moped muggers have been jailed for a total of 19 years today at Southwark Crown Court.
18 year old Claude Parkinson recieved a 5 year and 4 month prison sentence along with a 15 and a 16 year old who both recieved a 4 year and 3 month sentence and cannot be named for legal reasons. A fourth member of the gang has never been found and still remains at large. 40 year old Shamsul Chowdhury also recieved a 4 year and 10 month sentence for his part in procuring the robberies.
Among the victims of the robberies was ex-chancellor and Evening Standard editor George Osborne, who narrowly escaped serious injury from the hammer and iron bar wielding thugs.
During a 3 week period 103 mobile phones were stolen, including 33 in just one day. Many taxi drivers were approached by this gang or witnessed them on the roads around London.
This gang is one of several gangs, whilst the long sentences are very welcome, it must be remembered that there are several other moped gangs roaming Londons Streets looking for victims.