Uber's sexism scandal set to hit Hollywood

The Uber brand is set to hit the big screen, but not in a way they would hope. The film will be based on Susan Fowler, the Uber engineer who exposed the widespread sexual harassment at the ride-share firm which sparked the inquiry which eventually led to the resignation of it's highly controversial CEO Travis Kalanick in June. Uber were put in the spotlight for it's "frat-boy" like environment workplace, dominated by men. The scandal hit news sources worldwide and Travis was soon forced into handing in his resignation.

The Hollywood movie is set to be taken on by Oscar-nominated writer Allison Schroeder, who previously tackled the topic in this years box office hit, Hidden Figures. Travis and the "frat-boys" are not likely to come out of this in any good light. Sexism is a very serious issue and it's clear it was a huge problem within Uber's workspace. Will I pay to go and watch the movie? Probably not. But a Friday night at home with a bowl of popcorn and a frowned brow... most certainly.