NAVYA launches driverless cab in Paris
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NAVYA launches driverless cab in Paris

Today in Paris NAVYA unveiled AUTONOM CAB, described as an unprecedented response to the new challenges of mobility in the city center, creating a real revolution in the urban mobility market. 

Autonomous, personalized and shared, this unique mobility solution responds to the problems that city resident are facing when they traveling into the city. At the heart of creating smart cities, the 100% electric vehicle AUTONOM CAB offers a smart transport service for trips in the city center. 

AUTONOM CAB has been designed from the outset to be autonomous, like all vehicles in the range AUTONOM, which means without cockpit, without steering wheel and pedals. Able to carry up to 6 passengers, AUTONOM CAB is a fluid, continuous and efficient transport solution. Christophe Sapet, President of NAVYA said "Imagine cities where only AUTONOMS will circulate: no more traffic jams or parking problems, less accidents, less pollution …. At the cutting edge of technology, AUTONOM CAB is a revolution of uses and technologies, allowing the greatest number to have access to completely new mobility solutions “ 

In the short term, AUTONOM CAB will offer a whole universe of services to give freedom to mobility. Thanks to NAVYA APP, the dedicated mobile application, users can with a single click open or close the door to start the vehicle. AUTONOM CAB is also able to anticipate traffic jams to allow users to be on time, even in the event of unforeseen events. Its average speed of 50 km/h allows it to integrate naturally into the flow of traffic, but it can travel up to 90 km/h. 

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