Brazil's lower house wants law changed back to favour Uber
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Brazil's lower house wants law changed back to favour Uber

The leader of Brazil's lower house of Congress stated that he would like the Senate chamber to undo amendments relating to the regulation of ride-hailing apps. 

Over a month ago a bill amendment by the Senate dropped the necessity for drivers to own their vehicles and the use of red license plates used by licensed taxis, which classes the vehicle as public transport.

Lower House spokesperson Rodrigo Maia said that ride-hailing apps should be regulated by the local authorities of each city as proposed in the original bill to make competition fairer.  

A law was passed to allow ride hailing apps to exist within taxi regulations, but companies like Uber has been severely restricted in the way they operate as reported in TaxiPoint a month ago. 

The change in law has also seen hundreds of Uber drivers lining the streets of Brazil in protest of the bill that could see Uber's business model collapses in their second biggest market outside of the United States.  

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