Uber London and European appeals looming

Controversial minicab firm Uber are set for yet another day in court on Monday; this time it to fight its ban in London following Transport for London's refusal to renewal its operating licence.
The ride-hailing app is a facing an important few weeks as the minicab firm not only appeals against the London decision, but also learns whether the European Court of Justice will decide whether the car company should in fact be classed as a transport company, rather than Uber's preferred technology status.
The week hasn't been a great one for Uber in the UK as they found their licence in Sheffield was suspended for allegedly not answering questions relating to its management. Uber simply said it was down to an administrative error, adding that Sheffield council had sent letters to the wrong address.
Monday’s appearance in court relating to London's ban is a first hearing, many expect full arguments to be heard in a few months down the line. "We filed our appeal so that we can continue serving millions of riders and tens of thousands of drivers in London," a spokesman said.