APPG want an end to cross border hiring
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APPG want an end to cross border hiring

The APPG has called on central government to bring in new rules that further enhance the control local authorities have on licensing private hire drivers in their areas with new national standards put forward. The All Party Parlimentary Group on Taxis is headed up by Labour's Wes Streeting and includes 25 other MPs. They have put their names on a letter to transport secretary Chris Grayling pushing for a new definition to cross-border hiring which will bring an end to the controversial rule. Several other big trade names are backing the change including taxi app companies mytaxi and Gett, driver union LTDA and taxi manufacturers LEVC.  

“The current system where a driver can lose a licence in one part of the country and simply get one by tapping up another council is playing fast and loose with passenger safety," says MP Wes Streeting according to City AM

"The safety of passengers should be the cornerstone of licensing. That’s why we’re calling for a statutory definition on cross border hiring which will effectively stamp out this dangerous practice, alongside national minimum standards so when a passenger gets into a vehicle- wherever they are - they know they are safe.” added Streeting.

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