HMRC to stop taking credit card payments as of 13th January
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HMRC to stop taking credit card payments as of 13th January

Thousands of tax paying cabbies hoping to make this months tax contributions via credit card had better move fast as HMRC place a ban on personal credit card payments from 13th January.  The move comes as HMRC are now unable to pass the bank charges generated via card payments back to the customer, something the taxi trade knows all about! Whilst this move has been set in place since early November the timing may still cause issues for some cabbies looking to complete their annual tax returns before 31st January’s deadline. 

HMRC did send out a message to those that have not paid yet stating “From 13 January 2018 HMRC will no longer accept payment by personal credit card. Debit cards and corporate credit cards continue to be accepted.” Some critics have said the ban may surprise a few taxpayers who like to spread the cost of their payments due to cash flow.  

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