Uber driver plays video games while ferrying Sun journalist through London's busy streets
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Uber driver plays video games while ferrying Sun journalist through London's busy streets

A Sun journalist has filmed his Uber driver playing video games on his phone while driving on a trip he took last week through the busy streets of London. Neal Baker, filmed his driver on a 20 second clip, but said the driver was playing the game from the start of the journey. Baker said in a report to the Sun : "I was heading home from my late night shift and as soon as I got in the Uber I noticed a bright colourful screen beside the driver. "When we set off he began tapping at it right away and it started flashing colours" Baker also added: "I was terrified. I looked in the rear view mirror to see if he was looking at the road and I saw he had his eyes glued to the screen." Mr Baker was refunded for the trip and now Uber are investigating the claims. To view the footage click the link below. Fare game: Uber driver plays video game on his phone as he speeds along busy London street.  

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