Uber calls the shots, not SoftBank, suggests CEO Dara Khosrowshahi
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Uber calls the shots, not SoftBank, suggests CEO Dara Khosrowshahi

In his first official visit to Asia since becoming Uber's CEO, Dara Khosrowshahi seemed to put to bed rumours of selling it's Southeast Asia business to major rival Grab. In an interview with Reuters , he pledged to continue investing aggressively in Southeast Asia even though he expects to lose money. The feeling was, since the huge investment by Japanese giants SoftBank, who also own a stake in Grab, Uber may consider focusing solely on it's strongest markets such as America and Europe, but Khosrowshahi dismissed those claims during his visit on Thursday. He went on to assure that Uber would take any final decisions along with the board on mergers and partnerships.  

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