Can electric taxis cope in adverse weather

As the "Beast from the East" loosens it's icy grip, the UK prepares itself for a new storm front the "Pest from the West", there have been reports of negative effects on some electric taxis.
It was reported in this weeks Evening Telegraph that Dundee's electric taxi fleet may be struggling to cope in the adverse weather conditions.
Taxi representatives and cab bosses in the area have said that the cold spell has highlighted some issues, such as cabs running out of charge at an accelerated rate because of the vehicles having to have use a variety of electrical components at the same time.
Passengers have also been venting their anger at the fact that because of the lack of charge and by default range in the vehicle, drivers are being forced to turn heaters off in a bid to conserve battery charge, leaving the vehicle cold.
However, not all cab owners agreed. Lee Jack from 505050 Taxis said: “The weather has been severe and drivers have had a big demand on their charge, but it has been no worse than on a cold, wet day.”
Dundee council boasts 58 charging points and plans have been approved for further charging points in the city.