Renault EZ-GO; as iconic as the black cab?
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Renault EZ-GO; as iconic as the black cab?

French car manufacturers Renault have developed a new autonomous vehicle that they say could become as iconic and recognisable as the London black cabs or NYC yellow taxis.  

Renault EZ-GO is a robo-vehicle – a shared, electric, driverless vehicle. Driving in town and the surrounding areas, it is designed to transport people – up to six passengers simultaneously. The EZ-GO can be ordered through an application or through physical stations and it has the comfort and privacy of an individual car while providing a hands-off, worry-free travel experience.

As a shared service, Renault EZ-GO are claiming to offer a highly competitive price/mile ratio where passengers can spend their traveling time reading, working or sleeping. 

It’s meant for all. This robo-vehicle can be used by everyone: people who can no longer drive, people who cannot drive yet or who are unable to drive. It can be used for a ride alone, or with a group of friends, or with your family, or shared with other users. 

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