Leicestershire compliance team up with the police and HMRC to undertake extensive Taxi checks

Leicestershire compliance teamed up with the police and HMRC this week to undertake extensive taxi checks around East Midlands airport.
The checks were a joint operation by North West Leicestershire District Council, Leicestershire Police, the Driving and Vehicle Standards Agency and HM Revenue & Customs. They were also accompanied by licensing officers from eight other councils in surrounding areas. According to a report in the Leicester Mercury , 74 taxi's in total undertook the extensive checks, with most passing with no issues, although seven cars were found to have serious defects. One of those vehicles was seized because it was not licensed to be used. One driver had his licence suspended for breaking a number of rules including failing to have a spare tyre or inflation kit, having a defective headlight, an out of date First Aid kit and an empty fire extinguisher, all standard requirements for a licensed taxi operating in the Midlands. The compliance teams left no stone unturned, with checks even including fuel samples which were tested by the HMRC team. High standards are always expected to be met by all taxi drivers nationwide and in most cases they always are. Whether you own your own taxi or rent, it's important to remember it's the taxi drivers responsibility to make sure the vehicle being driven meets the requirements expected.