Uber tells court they will “repair and reform” in bid to win London licence back

Controversial minicab service Uber has told the courts they will “repair and reform" in a bid to win back it’s London operators licence. The private hire company hailing from America was told in September 2017 that it would not have its license renewed due to a number of public safety concerns. However today during a case management hearing at Westminster Magistrates Court Uber’s representative Philip Kolvin QC suggested that the firm had learned from previous failings. The QC told the courts that changes made by Uber have reduced the number of points to be discussed, when the appeal starts on 25th June, from 25 to 11. One of the key changes centres around the booking process. Uber now claim that all rides are received by the operator first and then directed to its drivers. Philip Kolvin QC went on to say: "Transport for London served a 21-page letter to Uber ... it was a most thorough document and the issues included not just what Uber did but how it did it, and underpinning those issues was a critique of Uber's approach. "The reaction of Uber to that letter has been one of repair and reform. "It has accepted a large number of those criticisms made by TfL. It admits it has failed in many respects. It has apologised. "It has made changes to the way it operates - it has changed its leadership, its directors." In a statement made by TfL and read by Kolvin the regulator said "it is really for the court to decide whether, in light of the changes made, Uber is fit and proper". “Making these cultural changes has put a huge burden on Uber, but we also recognise that it has put a huge burden on TfL and I would like to publicly acknowledge that."