David Cameron's ex-advisor to lead lobbying for Uber
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David Cameron's ex-advisor to lead lobbying for Uber

David Cameron's ex-deputy political director, Adam Atashzai, has been hired to head up Uber's Northern Europe lobbying team.

Atashzai, who was made an MBE by David Cameron for political and public service in 2016, has been working for PR and lobbying firm Finsbury since the former Prime Minister's resignation after the European Referendum defeat.

Uber, who successfully challenged Transport for London's refusal to renew their operators license, have claimed that they are looking to move away from the "move fast and break things" culture, and operate with greater corporate responsibility.

Adam Atashzai's appointment comes on the back of Uber being granted a 15 month license in London.

There has in the past been serious questions asked in relation to David Camerons links with Uber.

These links, as revealed by Guy Adams in The Daily Mail, have included a close personal relationship between the Cameron family, and former senior vice-president of communications and public policy for Uber Rachel Whetstone.

According to Powerbase Info Atashzai particularly impressed George Osbourne, the former Chancellor of the Exchequor under David Cameron's regime, another who according to The Daily Mail has links to Uber via BlackRock, a major investor in Uber.

Business Live have reported that Uber's new incumbent will be responsible for entering into dialogue with various government's across Europe, as well as charities and academic institutes. 

The role across Northern Europe will take in the UK, Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg regions as well as Nordic areas. SK

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