Door slammed on CS11 cycle route as TfL thwarted by Westminster council
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Door slammed on CS11 cycle route as TfL thwarted by Westminster council

Westminster Council have sensationally won a High Court action against Transport for London thwarting CS11, the cycle route between Regents Park and Swiss Cottage.

Presiding judge, Sir Ross Cranston, agreed with Westminster Council that Transport for Londons plans surrounding the cucle route were unlawful. The decision itself could be seen as setting a precedent.

Although the scheme garnered 60% support from across London after a consultation, residents and businesses in the areas adjacent to the cycle route were heavily opposed to the plans.

The ruling followed a judicial review hearing last Thursday, with TfL claiming that legislation passed in 1999 on strategic planning matters countermands local authority legislation.

Concerns were raised over traffic modelling, with displaced traffic being forced into residential streets around the Hampstead area seen as a major concern.

The original plans drawn up for CS11 would have seen the cycle route stretch from the heart of the West End up to Brent Cross.

This plan was pared back, leaving the stary point (or finish point) at Portland Place.

The full judicial report can be read here at Westminster City Council vs TfL.

Tfl are now looking at the possibility of appealing the decision according to Ham and High.

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