Uber search for agency to position itself as a career building brand for drivers in London
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Uber search for agency to position itself as a career building brand for drivers in London

According to a report in The Drum, Uber are on the hunt for an agency to develop a campaign to position the company as an “employment brand” in London. As the ride-sharing app looks to rebuild its reputation in London following a number of challenges, it will now seek to position itself as a career-building brand for its drivers. It is believed that Uber have tasked Creative Brief with putting together a list of potential marketing suppliers. Uber was recently granted a 15 month operators licence by Transport for London following an appeal and has seen a number of protests by drivers of not only their ride-sharing service, but also its food delivery service UberEats, over pay. Uber currently has tens-of-thousands of drivers working on its platform in London.

No further details have been released 

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