Uber's accounts reveal a UK turnover of £60 million for the year ending 2017

According to a report in the Telegraph, Uber has increased its UK revenue from £36.9m, up to £59.5m for the year ending 2017 despite a number issues including a licence renewal refusal by Transport for London. Uber now has around 60,000 licensed drivers operating on the app, with more than five million riders requesting a vehicle through the ride-sharing giants, according to an Uber spokesman.
According to its accounts, profits grew by £1.6m to £4.6m with London being one of their most important international markets outside of the US. Uber were recently granted a 15 month “temporary” licence by TfL after initially refusing them an operators licence following a number controversial issues that led to them not being considered a “fit and proper” company to hold one. They also face a court battle against their own drivers who claim they should be entitled to employees rights. But for now, the ride-sharing app from Silicon Valley seem to be pulling in healthy accounts.