City worker fails in bid to sue London cabbie

A city worker has had a £1million negligence claim against a London taxi driver thrown out after the judge dismissed the claim as "utterly unrealistic."
The Daily Mail reported that Stephen Jennings, who was a city analyst at the time, had become enraged at his girlfriend after she had taken a phone call, and subsequently spent 2 hours on the phone, whilst the pair were having dinner at a Park Lane hotel.
The incident, which occured in 2012, subsequently led to Mr Jennings leaving the hotel in what was described as a "blind rage," and attempting to cross seven lanes of Park Lane traffic.
Mr Jennings, was eventually struck by a taxi, which left him with head injuries. As a result of those injuries, Mr Jennings now suffers from epilepsy and memory loss.
Mr Jennings was then forced to quit, what was a highly job, durle to the nature of his injuries. He then attempted to sue the driver for his subsequent loss of earnings.
Judge Alan Saggerson described at Central London County Court, how the couple had left the Park Lane hotel in a "volatile" state of mind.
Andrew Ritchie QC, for Mr Jennings, claimed the the cabbie was driving too fast and failed to keep a proper lookout.
Judge Saggerson then dismissed the claim, stating that the sole cause of the accident was Mr Jennings stupidity in attempting to cross the busy lanes of traffic.