Instant Karma for man hurling abuse at Taxi driver leaves the whole street in hysterics
Onlookers, including patrol officers, were left in hysterics when a loud mouth yob walked straight into a lamppost moments after hurling abuse at a taxi driver in Nottingham city centre. Nottingham police called it “instant karma” and labelled the young man the “twit of the evening” after he received his comeuppance, leaving everyone on the street in fits of laughter. According to a report in the Birmingham Live, community protection officers were out enforcing taxi rules when a man, a little worse for wear, began shouting abuse at a taxi driver. All eyes were on the man as he proceeded to walk away while continuing to shout at the driver, only to not see the lamppost he was fast approaching. Everyone watched as he walked face first into the post. The CPO team tweeted: “Oh how we, and all his mates, and all the people on the street, laughed. “Instant Karma.”
I think that's 1-0 to the lamppost.