Less than a month after facing allegations of sexual misconduct, Uber's head of corporate develo

Uber’s head of corporate development has resigned less than a month after it was revealed by the Wall Street Journal that he was facing allegations of sexual misconduct. In a report published by TechCrunch, Cameron Poetzscher’s resignation was confirmed by the ride-hailing giants. A previous report by an outside firm hired by Uber to investigate allegations made against Poetzscher, confirmed that he did indeed have a history of making sexual remarks about female Uber employees. Dispute the report os sexual misconduct, Uber Technologies Inc. promoted Mr Poetzscher to acting head of finance. Poetzscher said in relation to his behaviour that he was “rightfully disciplined” and that he had “learned from this error of judgement.” Despite the matter seemingly of been dealt with, Poetzscher made the decision to resign completed from his workings with Uber, who now are in search for a new corporate development lead. Uber CFO Nelson Chai is currently overseeing the duties.