Accusations of the lunatics taking over the asylum as the Corporation of London plans to slash speed

In a move that has been described by some as "lunacy," the Corporation of London are planning to slash speed limits in the square mile to just 15mph.
Draft proposals have been submitted as the CoL look to improve safety levels and tackle pollution levels.
In 2017, 54 people were killed or injured in the square mile, this was despite a reduction to 20mph being adopted by CoL on many of the roads in the area.
Despite the speed limit being lowered there has been no significant decrease in fatalaties.
The proposed speed limit reduction has been widely slammed by road experts, such as The AA and IAM RoadSmart, as well as road users themselves, with claims that both congestion and pollution will i crease due to the reduction in the speed limit.
Some of the opinions put forward on The Daily Express comments section were scathing, with one reader stating that the lunatics run the asylum, whilst another described the CoL as democratically elected lunatics.
Others had commented that pedestrians may be at fault because they had their eyes "glued" to their phones.
Any lowering of the speed limit would need to be ratified by the Department for Transport, with the Corporation of London hoping to bring in the restrictions by 2022.