Aussie drivers abandoning ride-share platforms

It has been revealed that a significant number of private hire drivers are leaving ride-share apps due to poor pay and working conditions.
Australia's reported that according to The Ride Share Drivers Association of Australia (RSDAA) an astonishing 50 per cent of drivers leave their chosen rideshare plarform within three months of joining.
Some of the reasons cited by drivers are the low pay attributed to working on the platforms and the incredibly long hours required to make a sustainable living.
A spokesperson for the RSDAA has claimed that drivers are encouraged to sign up to a ride-share platform on the back of promises which have failed to materialise.
Allegations include high rental costs from recommended vehicle suppliers and the promise of a high income, whilst claims of drivers working a 14 hour day, just to make ends meet are not uncommon.
Other factors which are determining whether a driver stays on a ride-share platform such as Uber, Ola and Taxify are how complaints are processed and the ability of a driver to have the right of reply once a complaint is made by a passenger.