Eight Taxi and Private Hire drivers test positive for driving under the influence of drugs in as man

As Mersyside’s Road Policing Unit continue their crackdown on taxi and private hire drivers who are driving while under the influence of drugs, they have reported yet more drivers that have tested positive for drugs including cocaine, making it eight drivers in eight days. Taxipoint recently highlighted the growing problem within the taxi and private hire sector in Merseyside, with more than 40 drivers being arrested for such offences since the turn of the year.

Results from a private hire driver who was stopped and tested in June were also tweeted by the force stating he was over the limit for 3 drugs whilst he had a paying fare in the vehicle. He subsequently lost his licence.

A court date awaits for another private hire driver who was arrested in October after his test results showed him to be over the limit for cocaine. He will also likely lose his licence.

Merseyside’s Road Policing Unit have said: “Please get the message that it’s not acceptable, you will be caught, you will be arrested and we will take you off the road.”
Images; Twitter