Czech highest court upholds Uber ban in the country's second biggest city

A ban on controversial ride-Hailing app Uber operating in Brno, has been upheld by the Czech Republic’s highest legal court. Uber were banned following a complaint by a taxi company which was supported by Brno City Hall on the grounds that new taxi services have to coincide with current law and regulations. Uber tried to argue that it should not be considered as a “common taxi company” but a court ruled that it is. Uber had appealed the initial ban which saw the appeals court side with Uber, but now, according to M.Phys News, the Constitutional Court has dismissed the decision, sending the case back to the appeals court. Uber faces similar issues in Czech’s capital city, Prague, as well as in many other cities across the globe. You win some, you lose some, but on this occasion it could well be ‘Czech Mate’ for Uber in Brno.