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No more sportswear, flip flops or sandals as licensing committee agree on a new strict dress code fo

Michael Murphy

A new dress code has been introduced by Ipswich Borough Council which all taxi and private hire drivers must adhere to. The borough’s licensing and regulatory committee met on November 29, to approve a number of updates for the trade. The new dress code is set to seek a standard of clothing that provides a positive image for both hackney carriage and private hire drivers. A more “professional image” is now required by all licensed drivers as well as conditions to assure driver safety is not compromised. Councillor Stephen Connelly, chairman of the licensing and regulatory committee said that they are proud to have the best trained taxi and private hire drivers in the county and has acknowledged most already dress appropriately but feels there is a need to regularise the situation for all drivers to ensure customer confidence. As reported in the Ipswich Star, the new dress code requires all drivers to wear clean clothes. Men must wear trousers or knee length shorts, (that’s my hot pants out the window then!) with a collared shirt. Women must wear either trousers, knee length skirts or a dress, with a shirt or blouse. Banned garments include clothes that have rips in them, items of clothing with offensive graphics, sportswear including hoodies, sandals or the seaside favourites flip flops. Is this something you would welcome from your licensing authority? Do you currently wear any of the items that will now be banned?

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