Cab driver accused of driving like a stunt driver has said that he thinks his Irn Bru was spiked

A cab driver accused of behaving like "a stunt driver" has claimed his can of Irn-Bru was spiked with ecstasy, a court heard. Ross McNair, from North Lanarkshire, has been accused of dangerous driving and being unfit to drive through drink or drugs after a passenger said a trip in his vehicle caused her to have a seizure.
As reported by the ST News, the lawyer of the 42-year-old said his client believes the can of Irn-Bru he was drinking from at the time had been spiked with drugs and denies the allegations.
The trial has been adjourned to allow the can of drink to be forensically analysed. Passenger Tracey Paleford, 48, told Glasgow Sheriff Court, that she feared for her life because of the way McNair was driving.
The court heard from witness statements that claim to have seen his vehicle swerving on the road and driving towards oncoming traffic on the wrong side of the road. Miss Paleford said she feared for her life and added: "I was thinking holy s***, what the f***, I'm going to die. "I said 'are you a stunt driver?' I thought it was a wind up as it was like a survival mission.
"He was driving on the wrong side of the road as if it was the right side of the road for him, he missed other vehicles by a split second." Miss Paleford, who suffers from epilepsy, believes the incident caused her to have a seizure when she got to the gym. She told the court: "He said he didn't want any money and I ran into the gym and had a massive fit after that." Scott Henderson, another witness, called the police after seeing McNair driving on the wrong side of the road close to the Glasgow Fort. He said: "The car was all over the road, there was a lady who looked irate jumping up and down." Mr Henderson, who was picking his son up from the Fort, called the police who caught up with the taxi close to where the M73 and M8 motorways meet. Images were handed over to the police by Mr Henderson that were captured by his son. PC Mark Tweddle who dealt with McNair by the roadside claimed he said he "took too much medication" and added: "There was no sign of any can, as it would have been confiscated." The court heard that few days later, an attempt was made to hand in a can of Irn-Bru at London Road police station. PC Tweddle said: "He did try to hand in the can at London Road police station and they refused it." The trial continues.