Birmingham Private Hire driver has licence revoked with immediate effect after being arrested for co

A private hire driver from Birmingham has had his licence revoked with immediate effect and arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to murder it has been revealed. The 57-year-old man was brought in for questioning in February by West Midlands Police and released on bail while investigations continue.
As reported by the Birmingham Live, the chair of the city council’s Licensing and Public Protection Committee, Coun Barbara Dring revealed the arrest of the unnamed driver and confirmed that the driver's licence was revoked with immediate effect.
A report said: "On 4 March 2019 authority was sought to revoke with immediate effect the private hire driver's licence.
"The licensing enforcement section received information from West Midlands Police the driver is currently under investigation for an allegation of conspiracy to murder, the driver is on police bail. "The interests of public safety being considered paramount, an authorisation of the director of regulation and enforcement, acting in consultation with the chair, was obtained and on 4 March 2019 notice was hand delivered personally to the driver's last known address, advising that his private hire driver licence was revoked with immediate effect."
Image: Source; Flickr
Author; West Midlands Police